Billet Policy

When a hockey player gets selected for a team outside of his hometown, he’ll have to pack up and move to the new city to play for his team. In those circumstances, the organization or team typically arranges for the player to live with a host or billet family.

The billet family provides housing and support to young men who have moved away from home to pursue their dreams of playing the game they love. The billet program also allows these young men to complete their high school education, take college preparatory classes and/or obtain part-time employment in the local community while pursuing the next step in their hockey careers. 

Host families invite out of state players into their homes to be a part of their family during the hockey season. They serve as authority figures, role models, and extended family to their assigned players, and players rely on their billet parents for help while transitioning to a new city and community.

Host families provide the support and structure needed to help them focus on advancing their hockey career and helping them grow as young adults. Strong bonds develop between the player, his parents and the billet family, which often extend well into the future after the players moves to the next level.


  • Meet all USA Hockey volunteer, SafeSport, and screening requirements.
  • Sign the Knoxville Jr. Ice Bears Billet contract with the billet player’s family, that provides guidelines and outlines expectations (managed by team billet coordinator and head coach).
  • Be a mentor, an encourager, and a good role model.
  • Treat your billet player as a part of your own family.
  • Provide structure for your billet player by creating “home rules” and helping enforce team rules relating to curfew, visitors, and standards of behavior.
  • Provide a furnished bedroom for the billet player or a furnished bedroom to share with another teammate (not any other household member)
  • Provide nutritious meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)


What is a Billet Family?

A family that opens their home to out-of-state and/or international players. For many of them, this will be their first time away from home while they pursue the next step in their hockey career. There is no “typical billet”, meaning billets can be two-parent families, single-parent families, and, even “empty nesters.” The common denominator is a desire by the family to make a difference in a player’s life!

How long does a player live with a host family?

Players will start skating in August with the season beginning the day after Labor Day and remain until the end of the hockey season in the spring (March/April).

What are the responsibilities of the host family?

When a family volunteers to house a player, they are required to provide room and board for him. Billet families must be able to provide the player with his own bedroom which should include a bed, dresser, and closet. The family also agrees to provide nutritious meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for either the player to prepare himself or eat with the family. Billet families are expected to treat the players as “one of the family” and not just a “renter.” 

Can a host family host more than one player?

Yes! It’s often easier to host more than one player. Two (or more) players can share transportation expenses, and often provide company for each other. If hosting more than one player, families do not need to provide separate rooms for each.

Does the host family receive compensation?

Yes! Each billet family receives a monthly stipend for each player. Please contact your team manager for more information.

What happens after the season ends?

Most of the time, billet families, players, and the players’ family develop very special bonds and remain close long after the player has left the Victory Honda organization. We do our very best to ensure that this experience is rewarding for both the player and the billet family members.

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